Friday, December 2, 2011

Gratitude is the highest form of thinking

My dad shared some beautiful thoughts about gratitude to the family over Thanksgiving. One of my favorite quotes he shared was as follows: "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder" G.K Chesterton. Happiness doubled by wonder. I love that phrase. I definitely felt that this Thanksgiving. I often times wonder why God has blessed me with so much. I sit in awe of Molly and Dallin every day and wonder how I got so lucky. As I read the Book of Mormon and feel the warmth of the spirit enfold me I am awestruck at God's love for me. I love Thanksgiving. Every year it gives me such a great opportunity to stop and take a look around me and notice all the good in my life. The end result is a very humbled me. It was a beautiful holiday. This year we celebrated with Papa and GaGa Wahlstrom. I can't believe my parents have 12 grandchildren now. It makes for a very fun and loud home when we all get together. But it was so great to be with all my siblings and my parents. We missed Meredith's family and Adam's family. They were not able to make the trip in for Thanksgiving...but we will look forward to seeing them soon at Christmas. It was also a special treat to have our cousin Julie join us for the feast! You know what they say....a picture speaks a thousand words...let's go ahead and test that theory.

Marty Alice playing with cousin Molly

Molly loves her Uncle Andy. He thinks it has to do with the fact that he has her mom's kidney

Molly watching the Turkey cook! She can't wait for her first Thanksgiving feast!

It is not Thanksgiving without football!!!!

Molly all dressed up nice for her first Thanksgiving! Thanks for the pretty dress Papa D!

Julie and I slaved away for hours on these turkey cookies. In the end it was worth it cause they were just so adorable!!!!

Sisters with Daddy and cousins with Papa

Bro's snacking before dinner! Ty can't even stop eating for a picture:)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! What an amazing feast! Thanks to everyone for making such delicious food! Special thanks to Mom and Dad! We love you!

Molly's first Thanksgiving! I love my little family.

Playing games at dinner. Oh and in that picture...Jen just burped really loud. So funny.

No better way to digest a feast than playing the Wii!

Home again after going to The Muppets Movie. Tired Molly after a long Thanksgiving Day!

Home again after a fun filled Thanksgiving weekend. Daddy and Molly take a nap, exhausted from such a great holiday!

"Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel" -Daddy

So what am I thankful for? My Savior, Jesus Christ, who makes it possible for me to be with my family forever. Who makes it possible for me to be forgiven my many sins. Who makes it possible for us to live with our Heavenly Father again some day. I am grateful for my dear husband. Dallin is such a gem in my life. So precious and dear to me, I don't know how to thank God enough for letting me be sealed to such a great man. Of course for baby Molly. What a sweet sweet spirit she is in our home. She brings so much happiness and light to my life. I love my little Molly. So grateful am I for family. For the one I was raised in and for the one I married into. No family in the world is as supportive and loving as mine. Dal and I are so lucky to have so many best friends in our siblings and for 4 great parents who are always there for us. I am grateful for the restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grateful for living prophets to guide us in hard days. My heart is full, as full as my tummy on Thanksgiving:) May we treat every day like a Thanksgiving. Count your many blessing of course...but don't forget to hem them with thankfulness!....we wouldn't want them to unravel now, would we?


  1. mal you are such a dear little heart:) thanks for being so thankful:) this world needs more mals:) xoxoxoxo i love the photos:) it makes me homesick though. xoxo

  2. Such a beautiful post! Molly is growing so fast, she is BEAUTIFUL! love you!

  3. Ahhh! Molly's sweet smile is precious :)

  4. Aww. Thanksgiving is always one of my faves! Loved spending the weekend with you...especially the Twilight movie! Hahahahaha I don't think I can stop laughing about it. So great.

  5. Thanks for the great pictures and blog. We have so much to be thankful for!! We love you guys.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas holiday.
