Saturday, October 29, 2011

1-on-1 Date

Eating at Bambara!
It was a conversation we had on our honeymoon actually. What will our one-year wedding anniversary bring? I remember asking Dallin if he thought we could be pregnant by then and he just laughed and said he didn't know and thought it was a weird thing to think about. I asked him how we would celebrate our one-year wedding anniversary and once again he simply just thought it was strange to think about that kind of thing when its uh, a whole year away. Not to mention we were on our honeymoon. I remember thinking to myself, well honey, this is who you married and you better get use to me asking these kinds of questions cause I'm a planner and I can't really help thinking about the future. These days he finds himself laughing about my questions of how many kids we will have and when will #2 come along. I still don't really know why its funny cause I honestly just think its fun to think about and dream about the possibilities of life. Anywho, so how did we spend our one-year wedding anniversary? Well, August 20, 2011 was our first full day as parents. We spent the day at Davis Hospital fighting over who gets to hold our new baby daughter. See I underestimated ourselves on our honeymoon...not pregnant...already have a baby by the anniversary! Kind of funny timing. The hospital provides new mom's and dad's one "candlelight" dinner so we took the opportunity on our anniversary to help ourselves to the offer. For some reason I had a Lady and the Tramp set-up in my mind with a tablecloth and actual candles. When the same old cafeteria lady came in with a tray and left I was quite disappointed actually. Dal and I had a laugh cause, really? Open flames in a hospital? Yeah our expectations were too high I guess but hey, Davis Hospital! Don't call it a dang "candlelight" dinner then! At least you could have like, fake candles or something. Oh well. So, that was how we spent our one-year. Or so I thought. October 20th, 2011 Dallin surprised me with our "real" anniversary celebration. I actually don't mind one bit how we spent the actual anniversary in the hospital, cause its kind of a cute and funny memory, but I was pretty excited for the surprise. He cut off a single rose from our rose bush at home and presented it to me once I got in the car, announcing that this was our one-on-one date. Bachelorette fans out there? I sure am one. And so is Dal, but he doesn't like to admit it. You should hear him gush about Ashley and J.P. And when he shaved his head last summer he asked me if it looked like J.P. He cracks me up. We were off in the car, rose in hand, when he stopped for the first surprise at the bank. Weird right? I was pretty confused. But as Dal opens my door he presents me with our piggy bank we got at our wedding. Its completely FULL of coins. He tells me that it represents his daily devotion and love and that he has been putting coins in it all year long so we could cash it in for my anniversary gift. Now I can honestly say that I think I have put coins in that piggy maybe once or twice our whole first year of marriage. But he really has been putting in anything he finds day after day. It was really cute. He comes home sometimes all proud of himself cause he searched for coins at work and came up with a bag full. All of it ended up in the pig. We cashed in the coins and it turned out to be $175 dollars! As we drove away from the bank he reminded me again that he could have simply just gone out and bought a gift, but that this money for me was special cause it was a year in the making. He knows how much of a hopeless romantic I am, and this was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen him do. When we got to Salt Lake we left Molly for the first time ever in the hands of my sweet brother, Norm (thanks again! love you!), and Dal surprised me with a nice dinner at Bambara downtown Salt Lake. We stayed overnight with Molly at the family "cabin" downtown and I couldn't help just feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to be married to Dallin. He really is always so thoughtful and loving. He makes me feel special and loved. Thanks for the special night pal. I love you so much:). Thinking back to the honeymoon I would have never guessed that I would celebrate my one-year wedding anniversary twice:) Once again, I underestimated ourselves.

Here is our "candlelight" dinner:)


  1. I remember wondering where the candles were too at our candlelight hospital dinner! I'm glad you guys got in a one on one! :) those times are very coveted after you have kids! Happy one year anni!

  2. Oh and Bambara is so yummy! We went there for our five year anni!

  3. so cute! you and dal are such romantics!! and tell dal....i knew that he shaved his head because of the bachelorette!!!!! he denied. but i knew.
